The Importance of a Father

Hello everyone! I am so excited for this week because it’s all about fatherhood. I’m lucky enough to have an amazing father in my life and I value his role in my life very much. This week my post will be a little different because I will be focusing on an article I found. The article is called “The Science of Dad and the Father Effect” by Joshua A. Krisch. I want to focus on 5 main points: 

1.     Good Dads Are Incubated: Research suggests that the earlier dads get involved the better. They argued that fathers that when fathers are actively involved during labor, they are effectively developing a relationship with their child which then leads to a stronger and earlier attachment to the baby. Pregnancy and labor lay the groundwork for fathers and should be taken seriously. 

2.     Good Dads and Engaged Fathers: Being around is important, but if the dad isn’t engaged then it doesn’t do any good. The quantity of interaction doesn’t benefit children as much as high- quality, engaged parents. It’s important for dads (and parents) to take time out of their days to attend important events. 

3.     What is a Good Dad to a Daughter: This section was important to me because my dad was an amazing father figure growing up. Studies show that the father effect is equal for boys and girls. Once girls experience puberty and hormone changes, fathers become more important. If a teenage daughter has a strong relationship with their dads, they are less likely to take sexual risks. 

4.     What Happens When Dad Disappears: The absence of a dad, means an absence of benefits. Children who lose a father due to incarceration or death suffer more than children who have uninvolved fathers. When dads are far away there is little he can do to have a positive influence on his children. 

5.     How to Be a Good Dad: There are a lot of factors that go into being a good dad. Fathers should make healthy and sound decisions before conceiving so that the child has the best shot in life. Coaching with your partner through pregnancy and birth helps the bond start early. Even though infants don’t remember anything, it’s still important for fathers to play with them. Fathers should care for their children and model good behavior. Most importantly, they need to realize that their children are always watching so what they do matters. How well a dad parents influences their children’s psychological, cognitive, and social development.

The article ends with a powerful quote that I want to share. It says, “Fathers and mothers are children’s most important teachers. Fathers might ask themselves, what are my children learning---- about life in general, about mortality, about how family members should treat one another, about relationships--- from observing me every day?”


My dad is an amazing example to for many reasons. He took care of my grandma for years when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He would go and visit her every week even though she couldn’t talk and slept most of the time. He is the most caring person I know and would do anything for anyone. Growing up he would play with my brother and I and always made everything so fun. I remember dancing with him in the living room and thinking to myself that one day I hope I can find someone as incredible as him. My dad is a pretty tall guy and my mom is short so she doesn’t walk as fast. He will always hold her hand and walk at her pace which sounds so silly, but his simple gestures show his true character. I’m so grateful that I have him in my life and I cannot imagine what I would do without him. He is so patient, understanding, loving, compassionate, and just all around an amazing human.  






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