Hello everyone! This week’s topic in class was so good! I’m actually kind of sad that we’re coming to the end of the semester because I have learned so much through the discussions in class and writing a blog post each week. It’s really helped me reflect on what we’ve learned and apply it to my own life. We talked about parenting this week which can be a broad topic. I want to start with a quote from Thomas S. Monson that stuck out to me and shaped all of my thoughts throughout the week. It says, “To you who are parents, I say, show love to your children. You know you love them but make certain they know it as well. They are so precious. Let them know. Call upon Heavenly Father for help as you care for their needs each day as you deal with challenges which inevitable come with parenthood. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them.” I love the last line because it reiterates the idea that parenting isn’t something you should or are expected to do alone. I can’t even imagine how much pressure and stress parents feel when they enter the new role of being a parent. Suddenly you are responsibility for the well-being of another person. Parents are key to their child’s development. Both Mom and Dad play a key role in their development and each bring their unique roles to the partnership. An article called “Celebrating Marriage: A Child Speaks Out” demonstrates this idea perfectly. It says, “As a thirteen-year old, I’ve got it all figured out why I need a mom and a dad…. From my mother, I have a pattern to follow, and I can learn what it means to be a woman. Certain understanding can only happen between a mother and daughter. I would pattern my cooking after my mom’s, but she burned dinner twice last week. Actually, she lit it on fire. She isn’t perfect. No mother is, but in my world, she can’t be replaced. My father protects me and helps me to figure out the immature minds of those boys I want to invite over. My dad’s example and advice help me see the male perspective and brings a balance to my life as a young woman.” I love that at thirteen years old she is able to recognize the important role that her mom and dad both play in her life. This isn’t something I was able to recognize until much later in life. Growing up both of my parents worked so it wasn’t the typical upbringing, but I wouldn’t change it. My mom would go to work, and my dad worked from home which was such a unique experience. They both made it a priority to be at any event my brother and I participated in which made me feel so loved. I knew that they loved me but having them actively involved in my life strengthened our relationship. I believe that I’m still so close to them because of this. Even though I’m thousands of miles away from them, they are still involved in my life. We talk every day and I feel like I can tell them anything. It’s important for parents to be involved in their children’s life at a young age so that they can have a relationship with them that will hopefully grow as they get older. I’m so grateful for the way my parents raised me and the unique relationship I have with both of them. My mom and dad have become my best friends as I’ve gotten older and I’m forever grateful for that.
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